Reebok India launches ‘Fit2Kick’ campaign

June 16, 2014 5:02 pm0 commentsViews:

Reebok India_Fit2KickReebok India recently launched the ‘Fit2Kick’ campaign, in light of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Running over a period of 4 weeks, the Fit2Kick campaign kick-started on June 12, 2014 and is designed specifically to drive the Reebok Fitness Philosophy towards the football and fitness communities.

With each week being dedicated to a particular playing position - Striker, Mid-fielder, Defender and Goalkeeper, the campaign is aimed towards football lovers and brings fitness to the forefront of this great sporting event.

The workout regimes that have been included in the ‘Fit2Kick’ modules are designed by Kamal Chhikara - professional CrossFit Trainer and founder of the CrossFit Robust powered by Reebok in Delhi, and Priyadarshi Somya - a young and dedicated professional football player. The dynamic duo present a series of comprehensive training workout routines enabling football enthusiasts to improve their game through fitness.

Football is a game which requires a wide range of fitness to play at an elite level. Along with knowledge and passion for the game, it demands core strength, stamina agility and speed. With the football frenzy all around, Reebok understands the importance of staying fit to play the game without fatigue. Through this unique campaign, Reebok aims at creating an engaging platform with tailor made content catering to football and fitness enthusiasts, thereby reinforcing its strong fitness focus, and integrating it with the love for football. The specially designed workout routines covers all the conditioning aspects like strength and stamina helping the football enthusiast to perform better in the game.


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